Friday, October 16, 2009

The Monster of Love

This past weekend my daughter went to Homecoming with a boy she has liked since 4th grade. He is a nice young man who goes to our church. He's older than she is and able to drive which is a whole other issue in itself but that's not why we're here today.

The boy, who we'll call Trent, is a bit shy and as new at this relationship stuff as my daughter is. He hasn't learned "THE RULES" yet; the first and most important rule being "Text back in a timely manner or else the girl will begin to panic".

Okay, but here's the thing: I begin to panic as well! What's up with that??? I am surprised and appalled at the feelings that rise up in me as my daughter makes her way through this previously unexplored land. The other evening my daughter went to bed sure that the boy had changed his mind about her, "second-guessed his decision." After she went to bed, I was changing in my closet and said to my husband "I think I might have to kill Trent tomorrow." And this was based on pure speculation - no facts! I think I've climbed into Mr. Peabody's Way Back Machine and been transported back to puberty!

Thankfully my husband is (and always has been) the more logical of the two of us. He quoted (sort of) "The Princess Bride" to me and said "He seems a nice fellow. I hate that you have to kill him." Nothing like a PB quote to bring you back to reality in a jiffy. I started laughing and said "Who am I? What's happening to me?" Since he does know THE RULES and knew the question wasn't meant to be answered, he just shrugged and walked away.

Remember the Texas Cheerleader Mom who tried to take a contract out on her daughter's competition? To again quote a movie, "I have become what I beheld." (Elliott Ness, The Untouchables) I'm finding it easier and easier to see things from her crazy side of the asylum fence.


  1. you realize anyone can read this, right? -sigh-

  2. The names were changed to protect the innocent. The ony people who can read it are people who are my friends on FB.
