Friday, September 11, 2009

Fat Girl Catalog

Imagine how excited (or escited as Ruby would say) I was to get a new Macy's catalog in the mail. Then imagine my dismay at seeing that Macy's had sent me the FAT GIRL CATALOG!

Yeah, that's right. The Fat Girl Catalog! You know the size models, empire waist tops, doodads around the collar to draw attention to the face, elastic waist pants....that catalog.

Okay, now I'd be the first to admit I am not skinny or any other adjective associated with svelte-ness. I'm what you'd call curvy. Rubens would have loved me...I'm just sayin'.

I don't shop in the plus size department so I have to wonder: is Macy's trying to tell me something? "Time to move up. Your pants are too tight." "We've noticed some spillage in your shirts. The safety pin isn't working anymore." Since when did Macy's take the place of your grandmother? You know the one who talks about you like you're not in the room even when you're in the room? The one who tells you when you're butt's gotten bigger? That grandmother.

While I acknowledge that I will never be shopping in single digits again short of some kind of science fiction mind wipe, I'm not shopping in Women's World either.

So, Macy's, thanks for the not-so-gentle nudge but for now I'll keep my safety pins and just so you know, those times I wondered into the Juniors' department were for my daughter.

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